SYSTEEL VINA's Print PCM and VCM Products: Premium Solutions for Construction and Home Appliances

1. Print PCM Products: Printed Wood and Striped Printing

Printed Wood SYSTEEL VINA's printed wood products offer a highly practical and aesthetically pleasing solution, utilizing advanced 3D surface printing technology to create natural wood patterns.

  • High Realism: The combination of printing inks and clear coatings results in a wood surface that looks remarkably realistic.
  • Advanced Korean Technology: With modern technology and custom-designed rollers, SYSTEEL VINA can develop customized patterns and colors.

Showcase of woodblock prints made with PCM printing

Applications in Construction:

  • Roof panels
  • Interior partitions
  • Wall panels
  • U-panels
  • Groove panels
  • Ceilings
  • Other decorative elements

Applications in Home Appliances:

  • Air conditioner fins
  • Refrigerator doors
  • Washing machine doors

Striped Printing 

SYSTEEL VINA's striped printing products feature a glossy 3D surface, offering a cost-effective alternative to thin steel for household appliance manufacturing.

  • Cost Optimization: Reduces material costs by 20-30% for home appliance manufacturers.
  • High Aesthetics: Provides a glossy finish with a 3D surface.
  • Custom Solutions: Using Korean technology and custom-designed rollers, SYSTEEL VINA can create customized patterns and colors.

Showcase of PCM Print Thread Printing


Applications in Home Appliances:

  • Refrigerator doors
  • Washing machine doors
  • Oven doors
  • Other home appliances

Applications in Construction:

  • Steel frames
  • Decorative panels
  • Doors
  • Interior partitions

2. SYSTEEL VINA's VCM Products

Showcase of VCM products

VCM is a metal sheet covered with a PVC film, offering superior durability and aesthetics. The PVC film not only provides a premium look but also excellent resistance to environmental impacts.

  • High Aesthetics: Diverse designs with attractive and luxurious appearances.
  • Durability: The laminate layer protects the metal surface, extending lifespan and resisting environmental impacts such as corrosion and scratches.
  • Manufacturing Capability: VCM can be processed by stamping, bending, and punching without peeling or deforming.

Applications of VCM 

VCM is widely used in various fields:


  • Whiteboards
  • Decorative panels
  • Doors
  • Elevator interiors

Home Appliances:

  • Refrigerator doors
  • Washing machine doors
  • Oven doors
  • Other home appliances

3. Benefits of Print PCM and VCM Products 

Using Print PCM and VCM offers numerous benefits for construction projects and home appliance manufacturing:

  • Enhanced Aesthetics: The products feature diverse and attractive designs, suitable for various styles and requirements.
  • Surface Protection: Protective coatings extend the product's lifespan, reducing maintenance and replacement costs.
  • Cost Savings: Easy to process, these products help minimize production costs and optimize processes.

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SYSTEEL VINA's Print PCM and VCM products are optimal solutions for construction and home appliance applications, providing high aesthetics, superior durability, and flexible manufacturing capabilities. With advanced technology and a commitment to quality, SYSTEEL VINA is always ready to meet customers' needs, enhancing value and efficiency for every project.

Explore solutions with SYSTEEL VINA today to choose quality, durability, and aesthetic perfection for your projects!